How To Get Back on Track after a Holiday Eating Frenzy

How To Get Back on Track after a Holiday Eating Frenzy

Maybe you over indulged during the holiday weekend, you’re feeling less than stellar, and you need to get back on track.

It doesnโ€™t have to mean your health goals and your progress is over.

What matters is that you get yourself right back into a healthy pattern right away. Need a jumpstart?

Donโ€™t beat yourself up, that just makes you feel worse. Instead, accept what happened and focus on how you want to feel moving forward.

You can get back on track today with these 5 Simple Steps;

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Throw in a big squeeze of lemon to each glass. Drinking water first thing in the morning will help you wake up, and reduce inflammation. Keep a water bottle with you wherever you go so you can stay hydrated throughout the day. I love adding slices of citrus fruits and herbs like mint, basil or rosemary to my water!

๐—š๐—ฒ๐˜ ๐—บ๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด.

Movement will instantly brighten your mood. What type of movement you choose will largely depend on your mobility and flexibility. Thereโ€™s no need to push yourself beyond whatโ€™s comfortable for you. Find an activity that feels good and brings you joy. Weโ€™re always much more likely to stick to habits that actually feel good for us to do.

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You can eat lighter the next couple days, but donโ€™t try to โ€œmake up for the weekendโ€ or punish yourself for your choices. Just get back on track with your eating goals and get yourself meal prepped for the coming week. Starving yourself just leads to more overindulgence.

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Your body is working hard to recover! As we sleep our organs have a chance to rest, and our digestion gets a break. This allows our body to kick into fat-burning mode. Itโ€™s proven that we lose more weight when we sleep well โ€“ so even if youโ€™re doing all the right things, youโ€™re likely to lose less if you stay up too late or eat right before you crash for the night.

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Learn to wake up each day, refreshed (regardless of the previous daysโ€™ struggles) โ€“ and move forward with positive intention. Self-love is going to carry you through this journey.

Allow yourself permission to be human.

No one is perfect.

Including you.

…so go easy on yourself.

We all slip up and itโ€™s useless to shame or blame yourself for doing so.

Just get right back up and keep doing what is best for your body. Eat nutritious food, stay hydrated, get good rest, and speak words of life over yourself today, friends โค

****There may be affiliate links in this post, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will be compensated if you click through and take action.

Oreos, Doritos and Tough Love: Breaking Free From Emotional Eating

Oreos, Doritos and Tough Love: Breaking Free From Emotional Eating

Whew!! It’s been a week!

You know the ones…..

and ALL the food is calling my name.

(recovering emotional eater here)

But just because it calls doesn’t mean I have to answer.

Here are some things I have learned;

First of all, breaking free from emotional eating is always about choices. I am not a victim of some cosmic junk food force.

Doritos & Oreos do not magically jump into the cart and pay for itself. It only gets in the cart if I put it there.

*Note to self….Don’t put the junk food in the cart!

If I do purchase the junk food (against my better judgement) it is not “for the kids”. I am lying to myself. Truth is, it’s for me. My kids will be just fine without chips and cookies. In fact, they are probably much better off.

If someone else brings junk food into the house, throw it away. I am not ‘”wasting it”. If that’s not an option because it will cause WWIII, I am still responsible for the choices I make. No one can force me to eat it. And I will not eat it just so I don’t ” hurt their feelings”. The truth is, I eat it because I want to.

When I am tempted to eat junk food, that is a clear indicator to me that I am trying to medicate myself or fill whatever is missing in my life with food. *Another note to self…..that won’t turn out well.

Instead, I will choose to do 1 or more of these;

Drink water

Get in some healthy movement

Drink herbal tea

Take my supplements

Take a nap

Challenge myself (it’s not really about food…there are bigger issues going on)

Call a friend

And voila! Instead of my emotions taking over, I take over & I win!

***There may be affiliate links in this post, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will be compensated if you click through and take action.

[Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Before using any nootropic mushrooms or supplements, consult with a qualified healthcare professional, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.]

3 Health Tips to Stay Motivated This Summer

3 Health Tips to Stay Motivated This Summer

Are you ready to make the most out of this summer? Let’s keep our summer health in check and stay motivated together!

Here are three fantastic tips to help you stay on track and enjoy a healthy and vibrant summer season:

Hydration is Key. As the temperature rises, it’s crucial to stay hydrated throughout the day. Water is your best friend! Make sure to drink an adequate amount of water every day to keep your body functioning optimally. It not only helps regulate your body temperature but also supports digestion, boosts energy levels, and promotes healthy skin. Spice up your hydration routine by infusing water with refreshing fruits, herbs or for a tasty twist!

Embrace Fresh and Seasonal Foods. Summer is the perfect time to indulge in delicious and nutritious seasonal fruits and vegetables. These colorful goodies are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are beneficial for your overall health. Watermelon, berries, cucumbers, and leafy greens are just a few examples of the delightful summer produce you can enjoy. Explore local farmer’s markets and try out new recipes to make your meals exciting and full of flavor!

Get Moving Outdoors. Who wants to be stuck indoors when the sun is shining? Take advantage of the beautiful weather by engaging in outdoor activities that get your body moving. Whether it’s going for a refreshing swim, cycling through scenic routes, hiking in nature, or simply taking a brisk walk along the beach, find activities that you enjoy and make them a part of your summer routine. Physical exercise not only improves your fitness levels but also enhances your mood and overall well-being.

Remember, staying motivated and prioritizing your health during the summer is a wonderful gift to yourself. Let’s make this season a time of self-care, happiness, and embracing a healthy lifestyle.

Share your favorite health tips in the comments below!

Let’s inspire and support each other on this journey. Wishing you all a fantastic and health-filled summer!

***There may be affiliate links in this post, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will be compensated if you click through and take action.

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